9 Ways to Celebrate National Indigenous History Month
1. Learn whose land you’re on. Check out native-land.ca and maps.fpcc.ca.
2. Learn about the culture and history of your local Indigenous Nations. We recommend checking out the books available at the Stó:lō Gift Shop, and visiting websites like the Digital Sq’éwlets Virtual Exhibit and the Stó:lō Research and Resource Centre.
3. Watch Indigenous films, read books by Indigenous authors, and listen to podcasts by Indigenous podcasters. This Indigenous New Media guide from UBC library has some good recommendations.
4. Check out books from your local library. Many have libraries have research guides as a starting point for those new to a topic – such as UFV’s Stó:lō Research Guide.
5. Visit Indigenous-run museums, heritage sites, and cultural centres. Take a tour with Stó:lō Tourism at the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre; visit Tuckkwiowhum Village, Musqueam Cultural Centre Gallery, and the Sk̲wx̲wú7mesh L̓il̓wat7úl Cultural Centre; and go to the Indigenous Tourism BC and Destination Indigenous websites for more ideas. Many places are not open right now due to COVID-19, but be sure to check out their digital programming and remember them when things reopen!
6. Support Indigenous Artists and Indigenous-owned businesses – particularly those in your community! Learn why cultural appropriation is harmful at Reclaim Indigenous Arts and visit business and artist directories like Shop First Nations, the Indigenous Women’s Business Directory, the Pass the Feather project, and more.
7. Support Indigenous-led arts & culture organizations, such as ImagineNATIVE, the Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance, the National Indigenous Media Arts Coalition, and the Indigenous Curatorial Collective.
8. Take a course on local Indigenous history or language through UFV’s History, Indigenous Peoples Knowledge, First Nations Studies, or Halq’eméylem departments – such as HIST 103: Stó:lō History.
9. Go to an event celebrating Indigenous History Month. Right now you can check out our partner event, Aboriginal Arts and Culture Day, which is all virtual this year due to the pandemic. Visit the AACD Facebook page for more information.